124312 Southgate Holstein ON
5 +
Sq Ft
Is that a country club? At first glance it looks like it
- Easily transformational from personal retreat to perhaps a place to run a studio, retreat or religious center!
- Most important: Designed for easy maintenance
- Kitchen was designed for two “chefs” to share
- Overlooking pristine views of pond and grounds
- Includes indoor and outdoor dining space easily accessible from kitchen
- Could easily be 6 Bedrooms+
- Two main floor bedrooms with en-suites
- All rooms enjoy unique beautiful long-lasting views
- Lots of bedrooms for guests or a large family or both!
No shortage of light, space, and gorgeous views - Living room with wood stove
- A sun room that you will never want to leave
- An atrium your plants will love or that could be used to hold classes? events? Lessons?
We have the space ..... you bring the imagination!

TrilliumWest Real Estate Brokerage
11 - 292 Stone Road
Guelph ON N1G 3C4